Sean Ramsaywak

Sean Ramsaywak

Area Manager Minority Entrepreneurs Program

Northeast Minority Entrepreneurs Area Manager supporting multiple states with focus on the cities of NYC, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston for Chase. I have over 20 years of experience at Chase and 30 years of experience in multiple industries including Pharmaceuticals, Retail, Oil and Gas and Manufacturing. My team of Senior Business Consultants is primarily responsible for advising and mentoring diverse owned businesses. As a key resource to small businesses, the Senior Business Consultants utilize their business network and active involvement in community organizations to advise, support, and provide access to solutions by helping businesses run and grow their business.

The consultants work closely with local centers of influence, business organizations and community development financial institutions (CDFIs)to develop strategies to support minority entrepreneurs to create local impact and lasting economic growth. We work with SBOs to help achieve their goals by understanding their business and focusing on key areas to making their business more successful. We provide access to a broader team of specialists in areas such as cash management, credit solutions, and other business services. We are committed to helping businesses gain access to educational resources on financial health and facilitate business growth.

speaker Agenda

Speaker Sessions

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My Dream Summit 2023: General Admission

Includes all events on Friday, September 15, 2023 for My Dream Summit 2023.